- RZooRoH::BBB_NMP_GP_subsetExample for "gp" format specification
- RZooRoH::BBB_NMP_ad_subsetExample for "ad" format specification
- RZooRoH::BBB_NMP_pl_subsetExample for "pl" format specification
- RZooRoH::BBB_PE_gt_subsetExample for "gt" format specification
- RZooRoH::BBB_samplesA file with names or IDs for ten samples.
- RZooRoH::genoexSubset of a dataset with genotypes for 20 sheeps
- RZooRoH::genosimExample from a small simulated data set
- RZooRoH::rara_mix10rThe result of an analysis on 22 sheeps from Rasa Aragonesa population.
- RZooRoH::soay_mix10rThe result of an analysis on 110 sheeps from the Soay population.
- RZooRoH::typsSubset of a dataset with genotypes for 6 individuals from a cattle population.
- RZooRoH::typsfrqA file with marker allele frequencies for the cattle population.
- RZooRoH::wilt_mix10rThe result of an analysis on 23 sheeps from Wiltshire population.